/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Hasso Plattner Institute * * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ ometa SmalltalkParser <: Parser { /*----------------------------- ----- recognizing tokens ------ ------------------------------*/ space = super(#space) | fromTo('"', '"'), identifier = letter:x letterOrDigit*:xs -> [x].concat(xs).join(''), unaryId = spaces identifier:x ~':' -> x, binaryOp = spaces (char:c ?(SmalltalkParser.isBinaryChar(c)) -> c)+:cs -> cs.join(''), keywordPart = spaces identifier:x ':' -> {x + ':'}, variable = spaces identifier:name -> { new StVariableNode(name) }, instanceVariable = token('@') identifier:name -> { new StInstanceVariableNode('@' + name) }, literal = (symbolLiteral | stringLiteral | numberLiteral):v -> { new StLiteralNode(v) }, numberLiteral = ('+' -> 1 | '-' -> {-1} | empty -> 1):sign digit+:num1 ('.' digit+ | empty -> '0'):num2 -> {sign * Number(num1.concat(['.']).concat(num2).inject('', function(num, ea) { return num + ea })) }, stringLiteral = '\'' (token('\'\'') -> '\'' | ~'\'' char)*:val '\'' -> val.join(''), symbolLiteral = token('#') (identifier | stringLiteral):name -> name, constantArray = token('#(') (identifier:i -> { new StLiteralNode(i)} | symbolLiteral | numberLiteral | constantArray)*:elements token(')') -> { new StArrayLiteralNode(new StSequenceNode(elements)) }, arrayLiteral = token('#{') sequence:seq token('}') -> { new StArrayLiteralNode(seq) }, /*----------------------------- --------- expressions --------- ------------------------------*/ primary = spaces (variable | instanceVariable | constantArray | arrayLiteral | literal | '(' expression:e ')' -> e | block), expression = exit | cascade | assignment | evaluation, exit = token('^') expression:e -> { new StReturnNode(e) }, assignment = (variable | instanceVariable):variable token(':=') expression:value -> { new StAssignmentNode(variable, value) }, cascade = evaluation:first (token(';') message)+:msgNodes -> { if (!first.isMessage) throw(new Error('First part of cascade not message')); var receiver = first.receiver; msgNodes = [first].concat(msgNodes); msgNodes.forEach(function(ea) { ea.receiver = receiver }); new StCascadeNode(msgNodes, receiver); }, evaluation = keywordSend, message = (keywordMsg | binaryMsg | unaryMsg), unarySend = primary:rec unaryMsg*:msgNodes -> {msgNodes.inject(rec, function(receiver, node) { node.setReceiver(receiver); return node }) }, unaryMsg = unaryId:name -> { new StUnaryMessageNode(name, null, null) }, binarySend = unarySend:rec binaryMsg*:nodes -> { nodes.inject(rec, function(receiver, node) { node.setReceiver(receiver); return node }) }, binaryMsg = binaryOp:name unarySend:arg -> { new StBinaryMessageNode(name, [arg], null) }, keywordSend = binarySend:rec keywordMsg:msgNode -> { msgNode.setReceiver(rec); msgNode } | binarySend, keywordMsg = (keywordPart:keyword binarySend:arg -> [keyword, arg])+:partsAndArgs -> { var name = '', args = []; partsAndArgs.forEach(function(ea) { name += ea[0]; args.push(ea[1]) }); new StKeywordMessageNode(name, args, null); }, block = token('[') opt(#blockArgs):args opt(#declaredVars):declared opt(#sequence):s token(']') -> { new StInvokableNode(s, args, declared) }, blockArgs = (token(':') identifier:arg -> arg)+:args token('|') -> args, /*----------------------------- ------- method related ------- ------------------------------*/ sequence = (expression:e ( token('.') | empty ) -> e)+:children -> { new StSequenceNode(children) }, declaredVars = token('|') (variable:v)*:vars token('|') -> vars, propertyOrMethod = pos:start spaces ('-' -> false | '+' -> true):isMeta (property:p token('.') -> p | method):node pos:end spaces -> { node.setMeta(isMeta); node.type = 'propertyOrMethod'; node.startIndex = start; node.stopIndex = end-1; node }, property = assignment:assgn -> { new StPropertyNode(assgn) }, method = methodNameAndArgs:nameAndArgs (primitiveBody | stMethodBody):methodNode -> { methodNode.setMethodName(nameAndArgs[0]); methodNode.setArgs(nameAndArgs[1]); methodNode }, stMethodBody = opt(#declaredVars):vars opt(#sequence):seq -> { new StInvokableNode(seq, null, vars) }, primitiveBody = token('{') spaces stMethodBody:body spaces token('}') (token('.') | empty) -> { new StPrimitveMethodNode(null, body) }, methodNameAndArgs = ((keywordPart:keyword spaces identifier:arg -> [keyword, arg])+:partsAndArgs -> {var name = ''; var args = []; partsAndArgs.forEach(function(ea) { name += ea[0]; args.push(ea[1]) }); [name, args]} | binaryOp:msgName spaces identifier:arg -> [msgName, [arg]] | unaryId:msgName -> [msgName, null] ), /*----------------------------- -------- class related ------- ------------------------------*/ smalltalkClass = pos:p token('<') (identifier:n -> {new StLiteralNode(n)}):name ( token(':') variable:superclass | empty) token('>') spaces propertyOrMethod*:methodsAndProperties spaces -> { var klass = new StClassNode(name, methodsAndProperties, superclass); klass.type = 'smalltalkClass' klass.startIndex = p; klass.stopIndex = this.pos()-1; klass }, smalltalkClasses = pos:p (smalltalkClass)*:cls end -> { var all = new StFileNode(cls); all.type = 'smalltalkClasses'; all.startIndex = p; all.stopIndex = this.pos()-1; all }, /*----------------------------- ---- reading squeak fileout --- -----------------------------*/ fileOut = fileOutClass:x (char:c ?(c.charCodeAt(0) == 12) spaces fileOutClass)*:xs -> [x].concat(xs), fileOutClass = pos:p identifier:superclass space token('subclass:') space token('#') identifier:name spaces token('instanceVariableNames:') space stringLiteral spaces token('classVariableNames:') space stringLiteral spaces token('poolDictionaries:') space stringLiteral spaces token('category:') space stringLiteral token('!\n') token('!') identifier space token('commentStamp:') space stringLiteral token('prior:') space numberLiteral token('!\n') (~seq('!\n\n\n') char)* token('!\n\n\n') fileOutMethod*:methods (fileOutClassMethods | empty) -> { var klass = new StClassNode(name, methods, superclass); klass.type = "smalltalkClass"; klass.startIndex = p; klass.stopIndex = this.pos()-1; klass }, fileOutClassMethods = '"' token('-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ') '"' token('!\n\n') identifier space token('class') spaces token('instanceVariableNames:') space stringLiteral token('!\n\n') fileOutClassMethod+:classMethods -> classMethods, fileOutMethod = token('!') identifier space token('methodsFor:') space stringLiteral space token('stamp:') space stringLiteral token('!\n') method:m token('! !') (token('\n\n') (token('\n') | empty)) | empty -> m, fileOutClassMethod = token('!') identifier space token('class methodsFor:') space stringLiteral space token('stamp:') space stringLiteral token('!\n') method:m token('! !\n\n') (token('\n') | empty) -> m, /*----------------------------- ------------ helper ---------- ------------------------------*/ opt:rule = apply(rule) | empty -> null, fromTo :x :y = seq(x) (~seq(y) char)* seq(y), log:x -> {console.log(x); true} } /* ============================================= ============== additional stuff ============= ============================================= */ SmalltalkParser.isBinaryChar = function(c) { // from Squeak's TypeTable var x = c.charCodeAt(0); return (x >= 1 && x <= 8) || x == 11 || (x >= 14 && x <= 29) || x == 31 || x == 33 || x == 37 || x == 38 || (x >= 42 && x <= 45) || x == 47 || (x >= 60 && x <= 64) || x == 92 || x == 96 || ( x >= 126 && x <= 191) || x == 215 || x == 247 || x == 256 } /* ============== JS2St translation =========== */ ometa JS2StConverter { trans = [:t apply(t):ans] -> ans, /* ----------- copied -------------- */ begin = trans*:xs end -> { new StSequenceNode(xs) }, /* ---------- modified ----------- */ json = trans*:props -> props, for -> false, continue -> false, var -> false, /* ------------ own -------------- */ this -> new StVariableNode('self'), number :n = -> { new StLiteralNode(n) }, string :s = -> { new StLiteralNode(s) }, get :x = -> { if (x == 'undefined' || x == 'null') x = 'nil'; new StVariableNode(x) }, getp = getInstVar | getVarOfOtherObject, getInstVar = trans:what ?what.isLiteral trans:obj ?(obj.name == 'self') -> { new StInstanceVariableNode('@' + what.value) }, getVarOfOtherObject = trans:what trans:obj -> { new StKeywordMessageNode('getVar:', [what], obj) }, binop :op = trans:recv trans:arg -> { new StBinaryMessageNode(op, [arg], recv) }, send = classDef | normalSend, normalSend :name = trans:recv trans*:args -> { new StKeywordMessageNode(name + ':', args, recv) }, classDef :msg = ?(msg == 'subclass') trans:superclass trans:name ( trans | empty -> [] ):body -> { new StClassNode(name, body, superclass) }, func :args = trans:body -> {new StInvokableNode(body, args, [])}, binding = methodBinding | propertyBinding | primitiveMethod, methodBinding :name = trans:invokable ?(invokable.isBlock) -> {invokable.setMethodName(name); invokable}, primitiveMethod :name = [ #func :args foreign(LKJSTranslator, #curlyTrans):body ] -> { new StPrimitveMethodNode(name, body, args) }, propertyBinding :name = trans:value -> { new StAssignmentNode(new StVariableNode(name), value) }, if = trans:cond trans:t trans:f -> {if (!t.isSequence) new StSequenceNode(t); t = new StInvokableNode(t); if (!f.isSequence) new StSequenceNode(f); f = new StInvokableNode(f); new StKeywordMessageNode('ifTrue:ifFalse:', [t,f], cond); }, return = trans:expr -> { new StReturnNode(expr) }, test -> StClassNode }