== How to install Lively 2 == This is to help you manually set up your local installation of Lively Kernel. For an automatic installation This is to help you manually set up your local installation of Lively Kernel. We're currently working on an automatic installer: http://lively-kernel.org/repository/webwerkstatt/fabian/xamppInstaller.xhtmlPrerequisites: - Apache 2 - SVN toolsPrepare Apache: Make sure mod_dav and mod_dav_svn are installed and enabled: (Depending on your Apache distribution, you may have to install an additional package or get mod_dav_svn.so from an SVN installer package.) LoadModule dav_module modules/mod_dav.so LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/mod_dav_svn.so Configure Apache as a proxy server: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^/proxy/(.*)$ http://$1 [P]Configure mod_dav_svn: (REPOSITORY_PATH should be the local path to the SVN repository that we are about to set up) DAV svn SVNPath REPOSITORY_PATH SVNAutoVersioning on ModMimeUsePathInfo on Order Deny,Allow Allow from All SetOutputFilter DEFLATE DavDepthInfinity on === Alternative 1: === Get an SVN dump of our repository from here: http://lively-kernel.org/other/livelyFiles/svndumps/ Set up your local Lively SVN repository: svnadmin create REPOSITORY_PATH svnadmin load REPOSITORY_PATH < THE_SVN_DUMP === Alternative 2: === Install from zip file we will install lively from a Lively2-rc1.zip to an arbitrary directory /var/lib/lively/MyLively2 # create lively dir with first repository sudo mkdir /var/lib/lively sudo svnadmin create /var/lib/lively/MyLively2 # install the initial version unzip Lively2-rc1.zip sudo svn import Lively2 file:///var/lib/lively/MyLively2 -m 'Initial import' # allow the webserver to read and write the repositories sudo chown -R _www:_www /var/lib/lively/ # contents of: /etc/apache2/other/lively2.conf LoadModule dav_module modules/mod_dav.so LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/mod_dav_svn.so RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^/proxy/(.*)$ http://$1 [P] DAV svn SVNPath /var/lib/lively/MyLively2 SVNAutoVersioning on ModMimeUsePathInfo on Order Deny,Allow Allow from All SetOutputFilter DEFLATE DavDepthInfinity on Finally, you need to ensure that: - the user Apache is running as has access to REPOSITORY_PATH - it has access to the DavLockDB location specified in the mod_dav configuration - Apache is runningOpen YOURHOSTNAME/repository to access Lively